On Sunday, April 9th, staff from Gym-Jam Therapeutics participated in the 18th Annual Autism Awareness Day at the Philadelphia Zoo! The event was hosted by the Autism Society Greater Philadelphia and included a resource fair as well as exciting activities for families such as sensory and craft table and performers. The event was a great way for families to get out and have some fun in an inclusive environment while also getting more information about services in the area!
Gym-Jam was at the resource fair passing out information about our services along with our awesome new t-shirts and bubbles! Gym Jam also brought along Chippy the Clown to perform exciting magic tricks for the kids!
The Gym-Jam staff had an awesome time meeting all of the kids at the event and their families!
If you were not able to attend the event but are looking for more information give us a call at 610-992-9900. We will keep everyone posted about future events in the area that we will be attending!